
1: How are you feeling today? 

2: Good, you? 

1: I’m processing… Are you sure you’re good? 

2: Yeah; I mean there’s no reason to complain, right. 

1: Right? 

2: Well, I mean, it’s not like it’s gone do any good anyway. 

1: So, if you could complain about anything what would it be? 

2: Hell, probably everything.  

1: Be more specific. 

2: Ok, well for starters… bills. Bills are always behind and I feel like I can never catch up.  

1: Would you say you feel like that with a lot of things? 

2: What do you mean? 

1: Well do you feel stuck or trapped; unable to, a lot? 

2: Yeah, actually, I do.  

1: Ok, and in those moments, how do you feel? 

2: Uh- Stuck and trapped. 

1: hmm… Interesting. 

2: Interesting? Isn’t that what you meant? Did I not answer the question right? I’m- 

1: Breathe. In those moments do you see an escape? 

2: No, not usually. 

1: Can you rate your state of panic in those moments. 

2: It really depends on the situation. 

1: Understandable, well, give me a ballpark number. 

2: Sure, it ranges between a 4 and a 10. 

1: Ok. Thank you.  

2: Yeah… 

*Timer Dings* 

1: Before you go, I want to give you a small assignment.  

2: I expected that. 

1: Great! Next time you begin to feel stuck or trapped I want you to close your eyes, take deep breaths, and count to 10 slowly. Once you get to 10, I want you to visualize a door, and create it however you want, with a bright neon ‘EXIT’ sign above it. Envision yourself walking toward that door, grabbing the doorknob, turning the knob, and walking through that door of? 

2: Escape. 

1: Can you do that for me? 

2: Yeah, I’ll give it a try man. 

Published by JourneyWroteIt

"I am a kid at heart," is a common phrase majority would use to explain their carefree, jolly-filled take on life and how they handle one day at a time. This, unfortunately, is not how I would like you to perceive this narrative.

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