I Have Nothing

Can I stay? To sooth your emotional tension and caress your hidden scars.


I was thoroughly embarrassed by my last post, chemical factor, I was talking about a freaking guy. A GUY! Seriously, like I haven’t learned my lesson. It’s like my heart is pretending it has any beats left. A GUY. I’m so disappointed. ew, “The man my bosom now longs for,” absolutely ridiculous. I’m so disgusted…. but embarrassingly moved.


He’s so. So mesmerizing. His words leap from my screen and kiss me delicately between my eyes. In the words of Kayne, purest water like a new born daughter. wow. So, in an attempt to passively bring people to my blog I decided to read fellow creators’ content and interact creatively. I clicked the reader tab in the top left corner, and began to scroll. My first attempt ended uneventfully with a middle-aged woman writing about her family not eating at the table together. Now, it could have been interesting, but between all the misspelled words, and shallow remarks regarding her husband working more than he eats I finished unsparked.


Then, I read of you. A man of intellect. A scholar of positioning and rearranging words to formulate the prefect relay of intention. A place I aspire to be. There. Being positioned by your passionate phrasing and internally rearranged to make room for your deep thoughted words. I-


What is it about a man with a mind. When strength meets strategy. When muscle meets memory. I melt. And then I frown because the weight of regretful heartbreak is too heavy to face. “Can I stay? To sooth your emotional tension and caress your hidden scars.” “Why must you ask,” would be my response to such a brilliant way to say fuck, or embrace, or heal. YES. YES. YES. And as I blush from the grip of sapioism tightening around me neck I fall.


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Published by JourneyWroteIt

"I am a kid at heart," is a common phrase majority would use to explain their carefree, jolly-filled take on life and how they handle one day at a time. This, unfortunately, is not how I would like you to perceive this narrative.

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