Synonym for Manifestation

When it all boils down things will hit the fan.

As the kettle calls the pot out, the horse is forced to think.

I love you. Let that be first.

Contrary to your long-term belief, it’s not that hard for me to love.

And despite your own it’s just as easy for me to fall out. To lash out. To trick out an excuse from my hat of toxic relational demonstrations and “Hot Girl” references. At this current stage in my life, I am unable to hold myself to someone who brings me distain. distraught. drain. My heart has always been precious to me, so, it mildly surprises me of my volunteered choice to remain in a state of emotional drain. distraught. distain.

However, as of today, June 10+8, I will no longer indulge the company of a mistreat, misfit, misunderstanding.

I found you.

And I love you too.

I choose you. Above it all. Them as well. I choose you.

No one will be able to disrupt you. I call you solid. strong. bold.

I am learning the meaning of me. Purpose. Approaching what terrifies me the most as been found to exhilarate.

I simply, utterly hope to remain in an evolving mindspace.


I pray to remain consistently productively.

I pray to remain true to my core.

I pray to remain grateful of life.

I pray to remain successful in heart.

When it all boils down things will hit the fan.

As the kettle calls the pot out, the horse is forced to think.

I love you.

Published by JourneyWroteIt

"I am a kid at heart," is a common phrase majority would use to explain their carefree, jolly-filled take on life and how they handle one day at a time. This, unfortunately, is not how I would like you to perceive this narrative.

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