Over the edge

Between grief and nothing I will take grief.

William Faulkner

Vomit! Rubbish! Fool’s words! Mr. Faulkner your words while they may sound harmonious to the hears– is blasphemous to the heart. In the fire of all my grief-stricken predicaments, I cannot locate a single one if bestowed the honor would award grief over nothingness. Blasphemy.

However, given your race, gender, and absence of searchable life trauma of any sort, I can only assume, you could not imagine how degrading and belittling your subjective truth is to a great population of society. Specifically the 700,000 child abuse victims annually reported in the U.S. or what about the 40 million victims of sex trafficking reported worldwide. Mr. Faulkner, I would like you to proclaim this stance in an auditorium with the 81% of women and 35% of men that report vivid chest-gripping flashbacks, unannounced breath-taking panic attacks, and obsessive compulsive paranoia, or (PTSD) as an invisible scar rape forced in them. Say that to the faces of 38.1 million people who may not eat tonight or for the next few days because poverty has snaffled the life out of their survival. SO PIN IT WILLIAM! I’m pretty sure if you asked ANY of these men, women, AND CHILDREN, if in the moment of their calamity would they take grief or numbness.

If post-trauma, the inescapable barrage of horrendous memories chocking each new experience meant to form peace, a sense of security, even a taste of happiness doesn’t make them dart to the medicine cabinet for nothing, then call me a pioneer.

This quote has truly disappointed, and honestly pissed me off.


Published by JourneyWroteIt

"I am a kid at heart," is a common phrase majority would use to explain their carefree, jolly-filled take on life and how they handle one day at a time. This, unfortunately, is not how I would like you to perceive this narrative.

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